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We will hack the recruitment process together
Bring back the Human in HR
My goal is to empower HR professionals and business leaders with the HR knowledge, skills, and expertise that will enable them to develop their people and build successful organizations. By staying knowledge-driven, I am a trusted partner in the market & influence organizational change. I am eager to combine strategic vision with corporate reality to deliver major benefits for all stakeholders of an organization.
Elevate Your Team's Capabilities with Tailored Guidance
My Clifton Strengths

People with strong Individualization talents understand and are intrigued by others’ unique qualities. Impatient with generalizations, they focus on the differences among individuals. They instinctively observe each person’s style and motivation, how each thinks, and how each builds relationships. They keenly observe other people’s strengths and draw out the best in each person. Their Individualization talents help them build productive teams. While some search for the perfect team “structure” or “process,” these employees know instinctively that the secret to great teams is casting by individual strengths — so that everyone can do a lot of what they already do well.

Maximizers see talents and strengths in others, usually before anyone else does. Strengths — whether their own or someone else’s — fascinate them. Maximizers love to help others get excited about their potential. They see what people do best and which jobs they will be good at. They can see how people’s talents match the tasks they must complete. Excellence, not average, is their measure and pursuit. They have a quality orientation that leads them to focus on areas of strength for themselves and others and manage weaknesses.

People with strong Communication talents like to explain, describe, host, present and write. Using their natural talents, they bring ideas and events to life. They turn thoughts and actions into stories, images, examples and metaphors. They want their information — whether an idea, an event, a discovery or a lesson — to captivate the audience. This drives them to hunt for the perfect phrase and draws them toward dramatic words and powerful statements, which is why people like listening to them. Their word pictures pique interest, provide clarity and inspire others to act.